The weather

Inland Highland Zone - Granada, Jaén, Sierra Nevada

Warm Summers
Sunny almost every day from June to September. Little rain. July and August generally hot, but often with cool mountain breezes. Burning power of the sun is deceptive in the mountains. Daily highs up to 30C ( mid 20's is more normal) and nightly lows 8C. Shirt sleeve weather during the days; perhaps a pullover in the evenings.

Cool Winters
Mixture of beautiful clear, sunny winter days with overcast but cool days. Evenings noticably much colder after the sun sets. First rains in late September or early October; these can be heavy but rarely last more than a day or two. Daily highs about 20C and nightly lows in the main winter period down to freezing. Pullover or jacket during the day, warmer clothing for the winter evenings.

Inland Lowland Zone - Seville, Córdoba, Jaén

Very Hot Summers
Hot sun almost every day from June to September. Virtually no rain. July and August almost too hot. Daily highs up to 40C and nightly lows 18C. Shirt sleeve weather all the time evenings included.

Mild Winters
Mixture of beautiful clear, sunny winter days with overcast but warm days. Evenings noticebly cooler. First rains are late September or early October, can be heavy rarely last more than a day or two. Daily highs about 20C and nightly lows rarely below 10C. Pullover in the day, jacket in the evening.


Herrerías de Río Madera - Sierra de Segura - 00 34 953 496 401 / 00 34 667 588 334 -